If so, consider attending a TalkMedicare Educational program!
No Sales Pitch - Guaranteed

Why attend a TalkMedicare seminar?
Understanding Medicare can be confusing. People with advanced doctoral degrees tell us they are overwhelmed with all of the rules, potential penalties, and options they must consider when making Medicare choices. Over the past 12 years, we have identified many of these issues and developed presentations to help folks better understand their options. We offer both educational and sales presentations.
Educational presentations - examples include "Welcome to Medicare" and "Taking More Control of your Medicare Prescription Drug Costs". These are purely educational with no sales pitch involved - whatsover!
Sales presentations - These are presentations that explain why we think, after a great deal of study, why a particular plan should be considered by Medicare beneficiaries. Most of these take place during the Annual Enrollment period (between October 1st and December 7th each year).
​Our "Welcome to Medicare" education seminar was developed to help you navigate through Medicare Parts A, B, C, & D. This one hour workshop will address the who, what, when, where, and why of Medicare. We'll cover topics ranging from who should enroll and when, your choices in coverage, why one type of plan may be a better fit for you than another, how to implement and monitor your decision, and to pay only what you should. Learn how to determine which drug plan will be most cost effective for you. Discover what steps you can take to help avoid the “donut hole,” and understand the advantages and pitfalls of Medicare Advantage programs compared to traditional Medicare. Welcome to Medicare is an educational seminar with no sales pitch involved -- whatsoever. There will be no attempt to sell products and no pressure for you to purchase anything.
Ask yourself this question: "Have you ever known anyone who went to the pharmacy to have a prescription filled and was shocked when the price was a couple of hundred dollars or more?" Unfortunately, some people actually have to choose between buying food and purchasing their prescriptions! We developed our "Taking More Control of your Medicare Prescription Drug Costs" seminar to help folks understand ways to help prevent "price shock" from occurring.
What You will Learn
Enrollment Rules
Part A, B, C, and D Components of Medicare
Medicare networks - which type of plans utilize them
How Original Medicare, Medigap, and Medicare Advantage differ
Ways to obtain Medicare Prescription Drug plan covereage
Tips on avoiding the "donut hole" coverage gap
Ensuring you pay no more than what you owe
Questions to be Answered
If I'm still working, is it necessary to start paying for Part B of Medicare?
Why do some people pay less than others for their Medicare insurance?
What if I disagree with how my insurance pays a claim?
When I go on Medicare, can I still see my doctor?
What factors should I consider when choosing a Medicare plan?
Can I still use the same pharmacy?
Is a Medicare Prescription Drug plan with the lowest premium the one I should choose?